Glen St Theatre


Project Description

Project: Glen St Theatre
Project Location: Belrose, NSW
Project Size: 209.98m²
Architect: Mark Hurcum Design Practice
Builder: Keystone projects
Roofing Contractor: Perfection Plumbing & Metal Roofing

ARCPANELs’ long spanning structural insulated panels deliver on the Glen Street Theatre

Nestled in Sydneys upper north shore, the Glen Street Theatre underwent a much needed revamp in late 2014. Designed by Mark Hurcum and the team from Mark Hurcum Design Practice, and constructed by Keystone Projects, the theatre upgrade included a new covered entry foyer & vestibule area. After first using the Custom Panel some years prior for residential applications with much success, the team at MHDP elected to use the 250mm Custom Panel for its long spanning & cantilevering capabilities, 12 metre spans and 4.5 metre cantilevers are easily achieved.

An outstanding bi-product of incorporating the 250mm Custom Panel in the Glen St Project was the reduction in running costs of the building, particularly the energy costs borne from heating and cooling. The 250mm Custom Panel has an R6.5 insulation value which was well above the Section J R3.2 requirement. Given the nature of the building and its use, the robust nature of ARCPANELS’ Custom Panel meant that suspension of essential acoustic treatments were easily accommodated. Commercial fans were also suspended from the panel to further assist with passive climate control measures.

The contrasting elements of the profiled underside, acoustic treatments, fans, and wall finishes makes for a unique environment to be enjoyed by Belrose residents and visitors from greater Sydney alike. If you’d like to visit the theatre to see the Custom Panel up and in action, you can find the location here.

Need help with any of our products?

Call ARCPANEL for assistance on 1300 200 004 or send an enquiry via our contact page.

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